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A video meeting without branding is like a store without a sign

Written by Pexip | May 3, 2023 7:25:54 AM

This Pexip UX designing duo says that joining a video meeting should be as powerful a brand experience as walking into a physical location.  


You’ve clicked a link to launch a video meeting and suddenly you’re in doubt. It’s that moment when you wonder, “Am I in the right meeting?”. And as the seconds tick by before another person joins, your insecurity only grows.  


It’s this very condition, let’s call it ‘video meeting insecurity’, that Pexip UX designers Laura Menendez and Camilla Paulsen are dedicated to remedying. Today video has become the point of connection with everyone from your doctor to your bank to even your car dealer, which means that video meeting insecurity simply isn’t an option.  


“Just as you know you are at your doctor’s office when you walk through the door, you should know you are in your doctor’s video meeting room as soon as you launch that meeting,” explains Laura.


“Achieving this comes down to how you extend your brand and visual identity into the video space and ensure that it flows through the users’ entire experience.” 



Extend your brand and create a feeling of who you are – on video 


Meeting on video has emerged as an opportunity to engage your customers on a new platform, as well as an opportunity to extend the presence of your brand and create a sense of your identity. This is not simply a case of plastering the company logo everywhere, but rather it’s about immersing the customer in a fully branded experience. 


“That feeling of walking into an IKEA anywhere in the world and seeing the possibilities for your home or visiting a BMW dealership and getting hit with that sense of high-end automotive quality. That doesn’t have to disappear just because you are meeting the customer on video. Today we can build that same feeling into video,” adds Camilla. 


Throughout their research and design process, Camilla and Laura have learned a thing or two about where companies should focus when meeting customers on video. Their advice is summed up in these three points: 


1. Put your brand into it. People are still skeptical about meeting on video, especially the ones outside of the corporate world. So, whether you’re a healthcare provider or a bank, it’s up to you to make them feel secure. Your brand presence will help them know they are in the right place.  

2. As simple as it gets. Not everyone has the newest device or the fastest internet connection, and some people may have never joined a video meeting before. Keep the complexity down and simplify the join process equation: one click + zero downloads = join success. 

3. You don’t have to be a designer to do it. The burden is on your video meeting provider to make it possible for you to integrate whatever it is you want. Maybe it’s a video that plays while you wait for the meeting to start? Or perhaps you want a special image in the background? You should be able to do this quickly, easily, and without a degree in design. 


“These are three principles that we live by when designing for Pexip, and when working with companies to make sure that the video solution is fully their own,” adds Laura. “I like to think of my job as ensuring that even my grandmother can meet her doctor on video, quickly and easily and with the comfort of knowing that she’s exactly where she’s supposed to be.”