Join Teams meetings from Zoom Rooms. Zoom & Pexip partnership

CommuniCloud and video-communications provider Pexip, have become Telehealth Tasmania’s trusted video communication partners. This is built on a partnership that CommuniCloud has developed since 2014 with the department of Health Tasmania; providing a number of bridging services and support services.


The Tasmanian Government Department of Health (DOH) promotes and protects the health and wellbeing of all 515,000 Tasmanians. To achieve this, the DOH employs over 15,000 people, making it the largest department of all the Tasmanian Government agencies.


The responsibilities of the DOH include hospitals, ambulances, public housing, primary health and a whole host of related areas, spanning the whole of Tasmania. Effective communication is everything.


Telehealth Tasmania provides frontline health services staff with all the necessary communication solutions. These staff include doctors and nurses, as well as supporting hospital administrative and corporate services. There’s plenty of pressure on Telehealth Tasmania to deliver. During March and April 2020, the DOH needed to significantly increase its use of video conferencing to support a range of communications, including greater numbers of clinical assessments between doctors and patients, and communications between ambulances and hospitals.


Working closely with Pexip, CommuniCloud worked alongside Kim Ford, Clinical Program Manager and her team at Telehealth Tasmania to ensure that video communications were scaled up quickly to support the DOH so that high quality, effective video was delivered when it was needed.


“CommuniCloud and Pexip provide bridging capacity to extend our existing video-conferencing infrastructure and additional services that were not available in our previous video-conferencing infrastructure, such as recording and web client,” the team says, explaining how the two companies help them achieve their objectives.


Prior to using Pexip video conferencing, Kim’s team used in-house products for basics such as bridging and recording. Engaging CommuniCloud and introducing Pexip video conferencing to the project, has meant increasing the life, features and capacity of existing tools with Pexip’s best-in-class video interoperability features such as browser based video


The Telehealth team says increasing capacity and “the ability to co-locate with our existing infrastructure" has been of paramount importance. Instead of having to oversee an entire overhaul, the video-conferencing solutions work with legacy systems, making them far more scalable and cost-effective.


In addition, implementing the solutions was both safe and simple. This is largely down to the fact that the services and infrastructure all stay in Australia and Pexip offers security-first, enterprise-grade video conferencing solutions using industry-standard encryption and security protocols to maintain privacy and security. 


Compliance and certifications for the Pexip solutions include GDPR (EU Regulation 2016/679) compliance, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification, U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) certification. It also supports Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance. Data privacy is paramount for video communications, and both CommuniCloud and Pexip are committed to keeping the customer’s data secure.


The DOH has experienced numerous benefits since they began working with CommuniCloud and Pexip video communications. Currently, the installation of Pexip video conferencing with 500 ports and 5000 dynamic Virtual Meeting Rooms enables up to 250 concurrent calls between patient and consultant as well as up to 5000 future scheduled consultations at any one time.


More broadly, Pexip video-conferencing services have been embraced by medical staff and are now forming a critical role in many parts of Telehealth Tasmania. Working with CommuniCloud, the department is rolling out the technology into its internal network to support 5,000 staff. 


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  • Healthcare
  • Digital transformation
  • Video Platform
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