Join Teams meetings from Zoom Rooms. Zoom & Pexip partnership

Today, video meetings are part of everyday operations at millions of organizations worldwide. Hybrid and remote meetings are convenient, time- and cost-saving, and have been a gateway to the new “hybrid workforce."

These benefits are great - but not all meetings are equal, and different organizations, groups within organizations, and even individual meetings can have different needs. 


For many organizations, especially those in the government, healthcare, and financial sectors, video meetings are where sensitive or even classified information is shared. In cases like these, how their collaboration technology provider enables privacy, security, and business continuity isn’t a bonus but a critical necessity.


In these types of meetings, there is no room for error. Call data cannot be leaked, meeting room security cannot be breached, and real-time connections cannot be lost.


What if an unauthorized person enters the virtual meeting room? Or does a network disruption or national disaster cause the meeting to end unexpectedly? Or a cyber attack leads to a massive security breach? These real threats must be considered with constant urgency when choosing a video conferencing provider.





So, what are the questions your organization should be asking?


1. What does protecting us from cyber-attacks and security failures take?


Cyber attacks are increasing, putting confidential data, information, critical services, infrastructure, and processes at risk. Being confident in your meeting solution means focusing on the important tasks without worrying about data breaches or security failures.


No matter the size or location of your organization, Pexip can be configured to meet the internal security requirements of your organization. Thanks to the flexible architecture and deployment possibilities, your organization maintains control of all Call Detail Records (CDR) data, and meeting details and patterns are never exposed to third parties, making it easy to comply with any regional data storage and transit requirements. 


2. Do we have a plan if our primary communication tool becomes compromised?


Due to the importance of video collaboration today, organizations need to have a business continuity plan in place. This means being prepared in case of disruptions in the service of their communication tools or if internet and mobile network connections fail. Pexip can be deployed in ways that make it significantly less vulnerable than other third-party solutions. The solution can be hosted on-premises and configured to operate without an internet connection. Hosting on-premises ensures your organization can communicate if a primary solution fails or communication is lost due to network outages, natural or political disasters, or digital attacks.


Pexip’s platform can run idle with several ports and automatically scale up on demand if needed. Existing video endpoints can be registered on the solution to become available if needed as part of a business continuity plan. 


3. How can we ensure our solution can adapt to sudden changes in demand? 


Organizations with critical meeting requirements also need the flexibility to meet unexpected demands. Pexip is simple to deploy, and administrators can manage global capacity from a single management interface. 


When unforeseen events or changes arise, our management tool can add additional capacity in minutes. Pexip software can be hosted on-premise, in your preferred cloud solution, a private cloud, or a hybrid combination, making it flexible and secure.




The world is becoming more globalized at the same time as virtual meetings have become the norm. Organizations with the most stringent security and continuity requirements need a military-grade video conferencing solution designed to support - and withstand - their most critical demands.


At Pexip, we are what you might call “security-obsessed.” For us, security isn’t a feature or an afterthought but a deep-rooted foundation of our technology. As a provider for some of the most security-conscious organizations in the world, including DISA, NASA, and several global financial institutions, we understand these demands first-hand and have made “critical meetings” a primary focus of our offering. 


Are you ready to discuss plans for securing your organization's critical meetings? Contact us today to learn more about Pexip for Secure Spaces.


  • Financial services
  • Enterprise
  • Healthcare
  • Government
  • Meet & collaborate securely
  • Secure Meetings
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