Join Teams meetings from Zoom Rooms. Zoom & Pexip partnership

Securely enabling AI-powered video conferencing

We deliver AI-powered video meetings that ensure you’re always in full control of your data. 

Pexip Video Technology - AI

Pexip's approach to AI-powered video meetings

In no time at all, virtual meetings have become AI-powered. Our mission is to privately and securely enable the same capabilities for industries under strict regulations and security requirements. 

It’s your AI data - not ours

Pexip does not see, read, train, or share your AI models.
Connect Pexip to both publicly available or your own private AI databases.
PLACEHOLDER Keeping AI private - Pexip for AI powered meetings

AI that works on any device

Server-side application of AI means everyone benefits no matter their system or device.

Zero AI processing on the client side means a reduced system load, better performance, and minimal exposure to outside hazards. 
Everyone benefits from intelligent framing, noise reduction, live captions, and industry-specific AI capabilities.


AI for everyone - Pexip Tehnolohy hub

AI that generates more than just meeting minutes

Artificial Intelligence goes beyond automated meeting notes, action item lists, and live captioning. 

With Pexip, organizations can integrate their own, private AI models and databases for custom applications.
Host your AI integration privately or as a third-party service. It’s up to you.
Much more than meeting summaries - Pexip for AI powered video meetings
Keeping AI private

It’s your AI data - not ours

Pexip does not see, read, train, or share your AI models.
Connect Pexip to both publicly available or your own private AI databases.
PLACEHOLDER Keeping AI private - Pexip for AI powered meetings
AI for everyone

AI that works on any device

Server-side application of AI means everyone benefits no matter their system or device.

Zero AI processing on the client side means a reduced system load, better performance, and minimal exposure to outside hazards. 
Everyone benefits from intelligent framing, noise reduction, live captions, and industry-specific AI capabilities.


AI for everyone - Pexip Tehnolohy hub
Industry specific AI

AI that generates more than just meeting minutes

Artificial Intelligence goes beyond automated meeting notes, action item lists, and live captioning. 

With Pexip, organizations can integrate their own, private AI models and databases for custom applications.
Host your AI integration privately or as a third-party service. It’s up to you.
Much more than meeting summaries - Pexip for AI powered video meetings

A groundbreaking way to enable AI

Securely connect Pexip to your internal or external AI models and databases.
Securely connect Pexip to your internal or external AI models and databases.

Working with the industry leaders

Pexip works closely with Nvidia to enable both live captioning and translation services as well as video quality enhancements using their Maxine and Riva technologies.
Nvidia - Pexip Technology Partners

AI-enhanced video meetings

Improve video meeting quality and productivity with AI. 

Meeting quality

Enable intelligent framing, gaze correction, and intelligent noise reduction.

Powered by Nvidia Maxine 

Meeting productivity

Benefit from automated live captioning, speech-to-text translation, speech-to-speech translation, meeting transcriptions, and more.

Powered by Nvidia Riva

Operational enhancements

  • Optimized setup and configuration
  • Enhanced security and incident management  
  • Intelligent and predictive analytics and troubleshooting  
  • Private 3rd party AI integrations for specific use cases such as healthcare, financial services, judicial and government, and more.
Pexip for AI-Powered video meetings - Meeting quality
Pexip for AI-Powered video meetings - Meeting productivity
Pexip for AI-Powered video meetings - Operational enhancements

Embrace AI with full control

Discover how Pexip enables AI-powered solutions to meet your unique video conferencing needs.

AI powered video conferencing

Learn how Pexip enables AI capabilities for video meetings securely and privately.